People's sovereignty and human rights in the european co-operation of constitutionalism
civil rights, democracy, constitutionalism, national sovereignty, participatory communicative theory of lawAbstract
The authors of the article carried out a comprehensive analysis of the problems of the relationship between the two basic principles of constitutionalism - national sovereignty and human rights through an integrative approach. This relationship was considered in the context of two basic legal theories, namely, the concept of democratic values and participatory (participatory) democracy. The first concept focuses on legal values, and the second -on the legitimate procedure for their adoption.
An inextricable connection between popular sovereignty and human rights due to the very nature of a person who combined in him-herself the inherent, inalienable right to personal freedom with the need to be a part of a natural communication space as a legal environment to ensure his/her vital interests and needs. The key aspect that characterizes the formation of a person is communication. Just communicative orientation of the individual creates natural conditions for the existence of law as a result of inter-subjective interdependent relationship.
People's sovereignty is not absolute, it ends where an individual life begins. The observance of civil (personal) human rights is a condition for the functioning of a democratic society. They determine the inviolable boundaries of possible interference from the side of the state and society in the personal space of a person, which can be described as follows.
The internal relationship between national sovereignty and human rights is due to the fact that civil rights are intended to guarantee every level the chances of achieving their vital intentions and provide reliable legal protection, while the realization of political rights of citizens through the direct participation in the process of democratic legitimation is an effective mechanism, protection of personal freedom
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