Theoretical analysis of essence and content of constitutional bases of human rights activities




human rights activities, human rights, institute of civil society, legislative practice, Constitution


The article reveals the essence and content of the constitutional foundations of human rights activities in Ukraine, examines the main subjects, methods and forms of this activity, in relation to the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

The authors indicate that human rights activities as an object of numerous researches about their methods, mechanisms, subjects and forms have passed, on the authors opinion, their rocky way from the natural human rights acknowledgement and search for the mechanisms of the affirmation and guarantee thereof, to the human rights activities as a special constitutional legal activity, from static procedural characteristics to dynamic processual features. At the same time, human rights activities get powerful development simultaneously with the emergence of constitutionalism and the practice of normalizing human rights and freedoms in the constitutions.

We shall indicate that human rights and freedoms and affirmation, exercise and protection of them absolutely deservedly have become one of the key subjects of constitutional law-making and law-enforcement practice in 21st century. Thus, national protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is regarded as legislative and law-enforcement practice in the field of human rights which reflects specific historical and cultural traditions and the level of socio-economic development of the country.

We can conclude that human rights protection ­constitutes a necessary integral and inevitable component of the legal sphere, the focus of its development and one of the forms of the essence of law expression.

The effectiveness of such protection is due to the constructiveness of the interaction of the entire set of elements of the legal mechanism for the implementation of human rights protection in Ukraine.

Today, the main objective of human rights activities in Ukraine is protection and restoration of human rights and freedoms established and guaranteed by the Constitution, creation of the proper conditions ensuring human life and health protection, respect of human honor and dignity, inviolability and security by national and local authorities and their officers and by non-governmental organizations and business. 

At the same time, human rights activities, despite their purposeful nature, should prevent the violation of the principle of equality of constitutional rights and freedoms

Author Biography

Petro Kornienko, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit Pidhirna str., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04107

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy and Social and Humanitarian Sciences


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How to Cite

Kornienko, P. (2019). Theoretical analysis of essence and content of constitutional bases of human rights activities. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (8), 20–27.



Juridical Science