Differetiation of extradition procedures in criminal proceedings of Ukraine
international cooperation, legal assistance, extradition of persons, European arrest warrant, provisional arrest, extradition arrest, detention, authorized agency, simplified extradition, extradition checkAbstract
The article is devoted to the differentiation of the procedures for extradition of a person, depending on the procedure for implementation, into ordinary and simplified ones, as well as the study of the procedural mechanism for extradition of a person in a simplified manner, taking into account legislative changes, related to ratification of the Third Additional Protocol and the Fourth Additional Protocol to the European the convention on extradition of offenders. The procedural features of the simplified extradition procedure are associated with a specific mechanism for its implementation, in which certain subjects of criminal proceedings are involved, exercising the rights and obligations, provided by law: the authorized (central) body of Ukraine, the competent authorities of Ukraine (the prosecutor), as well as the investigating judge, the head of the institution of preliminary detention , defender, if necessary – translator. In the investigated order of extradition, the following are special: conditions and grounds for application, subject composition, terms, procedural acts, restrictions on appeal. Simplified extradition can be applied only with the written consent of the requested person, approved by the investigating judge, before the decision on extradition is made by the authorized (central) body of Ukraine upon request. Simplification of extradition proceedings is aimed at accelerating the latter, saving procedural time and money, as well as reducing the time frame for the application of measures of criminal procedural coercion. The legality of actions, decisions when deciding on the application of measures of criminal procedural coercion (detention, temporary, extradition arrest, the use of preventive measures not related to detention), as well as the voluntariness of consent to simplify the procedure and understanding of the consequences of this is ensured by the investigating judge by implementing judicial control. Facilitation of extradition contributes to the international fight against crime, but must be carried out with respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and the inadmissibility of violations and lawlessness
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