Legal regulation of the license agreement




license agreement, license, intellectual property rights, licensor, licensee, agreement on the transfer of exclusive intellectual property rights, disposal of intellectual property rights


The legal regulation of the license agreement is considered. Its contractual construction is investigated. The norms of the Civil Code of Ukraine and other normative legal acts on determining the essential terms of the license agreement are analyzed and it is clarified, which conditions must be agreed by the parties in order for the license agreement to be considered concluded. The scientific analysis of the legal nature of the license agreement in the system of civil law agreements is carried out. The objective essential conditions and features of concluding a license agreement are revealed. The subject and terms of the contract are considered. The rights and responsibilities of the licensor and the licensee are analyzed. The advantages of each party of the contract are determined. The civil law aspects of regulation of contractual license relations are investigated. The legal nature of the license is determined. The classification of license agreements has been carried out. The analysis of the current legislation in the field of granting property rights to the results of intellectual activity is carried out. The essential conditions of the agreement on creation on the order and use of the object of intellectual property rights and the agreement on transfer of exclusive property rights of intellectual property are investigated. The relationship between the license and the license agreement has been clarified. Recommendations on the structure of license agreements and advice on their content and method of presentation are provided. Conclusions and proposals, aimed at improving civil legislation in the field of legal regulation of license agreements, are formulated. It is concluded, that the license agreement is a fair mechanism for obtaining remuneration for the creation or acquisition of intellectual property

Author Biography

Alona Tkachuk, Odessa National Economic University


Department of Economics, Law and Business Management


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How to Cite

Tkachuk, A. (2021). Legal regulation of the license agreement. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1(15), 15–19.



Juridical Science