Criminological and criminal law aspects of the definition of suicide




criminology, self-killing, suicide, definition of suicide, analysis of suicide


The article analyses the basic approaches to the definition of suicide, used in Ukraine and throughout the world. The importance of modelling the definition of suicide in the context of scientific analysis of this phenomenon is emphasized. The linguistic nature of the terms "self-killing" and "suicide" is studied. Suicide definitions, used by international and reputable health organizations and institutions, are collected. The available scientific definitions of Ukrainian researchers, which were formulated in the past, are presented and analysed. The inexpediency of considering all suicides violent is justified. Arguments in favour of conciseness and clarity of the recommended definition of suicide are presented and attention is focused on the negative impact of overloaded definitions. A claim that self-killing as a result of mental disorders cannot be considered suicide is criticised. As a result, a distinctive vision of the problem of suicide has been formulated and substantiated, recommendations, considering its definition, have been provided.

In addition, an analysis of the essence of the definition of suicide with the use of corpus delicti modelling is performed. The controversial position that suicide can be committed by inaction is discussed. Emphasis is placed on intent as an integral part of the definition of suicide. The so-called "demonstrative" suicides are analysed and the criminal law concepts of direct, indirect intent and negligence are designed in the context. It is stated, that committing suicide by negligence is impossible. The position that intentional self-killing of minors cannot be considered suicide and such actions should be qualified as an "accident" has been analysed. This position is criticized

Author Biography

Nazar Zadorozhnyi, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Postgraduate Student

Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education


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How to Cite

Zadorozhnyi, N. (2022). Criminological and criminal law aspects of the definition of suicide. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1(19), 64–69.



Juridical Science