Adaptation of environmental protection legislation of Ukraine to the conditions of marital state




environmental legislation, agricultural production, common agricultural policy, World Trade Organization


The essence of environmental protection legislation is analyzed. For this purpose, foreign and Ukrainian scientific literature as well as normative and legal documents, in which the right of nature protection is enshrined, was studied. It has been proven, that in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, environmental protection legal acts should be aimed at mitigating the consequences of the armed aggression of the russian federation. For this, it is advisable to use the development of the law of the World Trade Organization.

Environmental legislation is considered in the system of international environmental law (International Environmental Law). This approach is due to the global consequences of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. Since mitigating the consequences of military actions on the territory of Ukraine requires a return from imbalance to stability, the issue of sustainable development has been brought up to date. Therefore, the essence is outlined and the main goals of sustainable development are listed, the implementation of which guarantees stability in the world, in particular in the field of nature protection. Implementation of the goals of sustainable development in life, restoration of balance in nature and international relations depends on specific subjects, so a list of them is given, and the main powers in the field of nature protection are outlined.

Some decisions of such an international organization as the World Trade Organization regarding the provision of nature protection by economic methods are commented on.

The importance of nature protection organizations in the field of environmental protection, their interaction with subjects of authority is also outlined.

Since nature protection is closely related to the use of natural resources in the process of agricultural production, which guarantees the food security of humanity in general and Ukraine in particular, new approaches of the European Union to the regulation of the Common Agricultural Policy have been studied.

In general, this work is based on the statement about the importance of applying all possible measures to mitigate the impact of Russian military aggression on the environment, in particular in the field of nuclear security. This will make it possible to return to the implementation of the model of sustainable development, the creation of which was aimed at solving the global problems of our time, but the implementation of which is made impossible by the active warfare on the territory of Ukraine

Author Biography

Lidia Kupchenia, Poltava State Agrarian University


Department of Entrepreneurship and Law


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How to Cite

Kupchenia, L., & Sivtsova, O. (2023). Adaptation of environmental protection legislation of Ukraine to the conditions of marital state. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2(24), 25–30.



Juridical Science