Ensuring the safety of citizens by rescuers/police officers in case of a chemical attack (accident at a chemical enterprise) in the conditions of marital law
martial law, chemical weapons, premedical aid, police officers, victims, evacuationAbstract
The work deals with the urgent problem of ensuring the safety of life of the population in the conditions of martial law, introduced in Ukraine – providing premedical assistance to victims of a chemical attack (as a result of the action of dangerous factors of a man-made accident at a specialized chemical enterprise).
The potential possibilities of means of defeating the units of the chemical forces of the aggressor state are analyzed, the cases of the use of chemical weapons by the occupiers in relation to both the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the civilian population during the war in Ukraine, as well as the real situations of destroyed chemical plants in many regions of the country, are described and summarized.
On the basis of the analysis of operational publications in the Internet and scientific works of a great number of scientists, the general algorithm of rescue actions during the evacuation of victims of a chemical attack/accident (workers/residents) was considered, modern approaches in the order of providing premedical aid both at chemical enterprises and at home conditions when people are injured by the most common chemical substances were clarified, recommendations concerning compliance by police officers with established rules of conduct at the scene of the incident are offered.
The main signs that characterize the beginning of a chemical attack in the conditions of martial law and allow the population to identify it quickly are given: 1) chemical alarm signals; 2) features of air raids or enemy artillery fire; 3) simultaneous mass death of small animals, birds and insects.
The peculiarities of the effect on the human body of such substances as chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid), nitrogen (nitrogen N), nitric acid, oxide (dioxin) of nitrogen, for each of which characteristic symptoms of damage for the victim are determined, the procedure for providing premedical aid to victims in case of damage by them, as well as under the influence of chemical weapons (sarin, phosgene) has been specified.
Based on the analysis of special literature and the results of the conducted research, a generalization was made regarding the importance of training the population in effective (and therefore safe) actions in the event of a chemical attack by the military units of the aggressor state (a man-made accident at chemical enterprises), the need to observe the established rules of conduct and safety measures in the case of a missile/artillery attack by the occupiers, regardless of the region or territory of fighting actions in Ukraine
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