The relationship between attorney and judge: an ethical dilemma
judge, attorney, court proceedings, disciplinary responsibility, professional ethics, abuse of procedural rights, conflicts in judicial practiceAbstract
The relevance of this research lies in clarifying the nature of the relationship between an attorney and a judge in the context of power dynamics, professional ethics and interpersonal communication. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of professional ethics in shaping the relationship between an attorney and a judge, as well as the impact of personal relationships between attorneys and judges on the judicial decision-making process. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific and special legal methods of knowledge, in particular philosophical dialectic, comparative legal, idealisation and formalisation methods. The materials used for this study are the works of domestic and foreign scholars, and the provisions of national, foreign and international legislation.
The results of the study show that the relationship between an attorney and a judge is inherently complex, dynamic and critical, since it is at the intersection of legal norms, professional ethics and personal interactions.
The relationship between attorneys and judges is an important component of the judicial process, as it affects the efficiency and fairness of decisions. These relationships are formed through a complex interplay of historical, ethical, professional, as well as personal interactions. Effective communication, mutual respect and a clear understanding of the role of each party are crucial to strengthen constructive relationships.
The findings of the study indicate that a constructive relationship between judges and attorneys is an important element in ensuring the integrity of the legal system. Adhering to established ethical standards and maintaining an atmosphere of mutual respect and professionalism, judges and attorneys promote the administration of justice in accordance with the needs of all participants in the process, thereby increasing the level of trust and reliability of the judicial system
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