Legal entities of public law as participants in civil relations




legal entity of public law, legal regime of property, liability, subjects of public law


The article examines the issues of the legal status of legal entities of public law. At the basis of the division of legal entities into legal entities of private and legal entities of public law, the criterion of the method of creating a legal entity is applied. At the same time, one criterion is not enough to distinguish between these types of legal entities, we propose to supplement this criterion with criteria for the purpose of activity and the degree of dependence of a legal entity of public law on a subject of public law. The article considers the characteristics of a legal entity of public law, which can be classified into general and special. The general ones include: organizational unity, the presence of separate property, acting in circulation on its own behalf, civil liability; special features include: creation in an administrative order; satisfaction of the state interest; do not own a property. The article analyzes the issues of responsibility and legal regime of property of legal entities of public law. Today, the search continues for an effective model of property law regarding the legal regime of legal entities of public law. As a replacement for limited property rights, such as the right of economic management and the right of operational management, a property management agreement is proposed. The issues of correlation of the concepts "subject of public law" and "legal entity of public law" are investigated. These concepts should not be identified, since the concept of a legal entity of public law is broader in scope than the concept of public law formation

Author Biography

Victoriia Piddubna, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Pushkinska str., 77, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61024

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Civil Law No. 2


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How to Cite

Piddubna, V. (2020). Legal entities of public law as participants in civil relations. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (4(14), 29–33.



Juridical Science