Contractual forms of realization of property rights in the economic area




contractual recognition economic activity, agreement, legal relations, economic function of law


The article is devoted to the study of a contract as a legal form of realization of property rights in the economic sphere, considering theoretical and practical problems, in particular, the problem of contract selection, and the significance of the act of acceptance and transfer of property as a legal fact. The materials used for the study include legislative acts, scientific sources on commercial and civil law, case law on transfer of ownership, conclusion of contracts on behalf of a business entity with excess of authority, and the meaning of an act of acceptance and transfer as a transaction or evidence. The study consistently reveals the relationship of legal provisions to the economic function of law, analyses the concept, features and types of commercial contracts, names contracts, under which property is transferred to the ownership or temporary use of another entity, and analyses the legal provisions on the choice of contract and the owner's performance of contractual obligations.

Based on the study, the author formulates a definition of an economic contract as a legal form of realization of property rights and identifies the characteristic features of such contracts. In particular, the author concludes that such contracts are the result of the exercise of the right to dispose of property and ensure the dynamics of property rights in the economic sphere. Based on the study of various approaches to the classification of economic contracts, the author concludes that all classifications of economic contracts include contracts for the transfer of property into ownership or use. Based on this conclusion, the author systematizes economic contracts, which mediate the realization of property rights. The author also analyzes and specifies the criteria for selecting a contract for exercising property rights in the economic sphere. The author argues that the obligation of a business entity to be the owner of property under a contract is terminated at the time of transfer of property and is mostly formalized by drawing up an act of acceptance and transfer of property. Such an act should be considered an element of the contract as a legal fact, and its legal significance lies in fixing the moment when the property owner's rights are terminated, unless another moment is established by law or contract

Author Biography

Oleksandr Pashynin, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University; EVERLEGAL ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW



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How to Cite

Pashynin, O. (2024). Contractual forms of realization of property rights in the economic area. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1(27), 44–51.



Juridical Science