Legal regulation of rehabilitation assistance to military personnel during martial law
social protection of military personnel, rehabilitation, rehabilitation services, rehabilitation institution, medical aidAbstract
The scientific article delves into the legal regulation of rehabilitation assistance to military personnel during martial law. The research, aimed at establishing the legal basis for providing rehabilitation assistance to military personnel during martial law, is underpinned by a robust methodological basis. The research methods employed are not only general scientific but also special legal, including theoretical-legal, formal-dogmatic, and comparative-legal methods. This thorough approach instills confidence in the validity of the research.
The results of the research consist in determining the legal basis for providing rehabilitation assistance to military personnel. It has been established that the legal regulation of providing rehabilitation assistance to military personnel is carried out by such Laws of Ukraine as "Basics of Ukrainian legislation on health care," "On rehabilitation in the field of health care," "On social and legal protection of military personnel and their family members." The specifics of providing rehabilitation assistance to military personnel during martial law are determined. It has been established that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine’s structure includes a network of centers for medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment of military personnel. It has been found that rehabilitation assistance for military personnel can occur in rehabilitation institutions and healthcare institutions with rehabilitation departments, subordinated to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine or other ministries. The legal grounds for sending military personnel to provide rehabilitation in foreign healthcare institutions have been analyzed. It is indicated that the decision to send military personnel to a rehabilitation institution for rehabilitation assistance is made based on the conclusion of the military medical commission. The importance of the existing state target program for providing rehabilitation assistance to defenders of Ukraine is emphasized.
A conclusion was drawn on the necessity of enshrining a separate section in the Law of Ukraine, "On Rehabilitation in the Field of Health Care," dedicated to the specifics of the rehabilitation of military, injured in hostilities.
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