Скрипнюк Олександр Васильович

Інститут держави і права ім. В. М. Корецького НАН України, Україна
доктор юридичних наук, професор, академік НАПрН України, Заслужений юрист України, директор

Профіль Scopus: посилання
Researcher ID:AIA-1288-2022

Selected Publications:

  1. Skrypniuk, O., Onishchenko, N., Kvasha, O., Marchenko, M., Nonyak, M. (2023). To the Issue of Human Rights for Peace. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 15 (4), 1–20.

  2. Yanovitska, G., Zabzalyuk, D., Yanovitska, A., Skrypniuk, O., Onishchenko, N. (2023). Privatisation of State and Municipal Enterprises: Legal Regulation. Economic Affairs, 68. doi: https://doi.org/10.46852/0424-2513.2s.2023.46

  3. Skrypniuk, O. V., Holovkin, B. M., Vasylynchuk, V. I., Oliinyk, O. S., Rubashchenko, M. A. (2019). Criteria and Basic Signs of the Lawful Protection of the Person's Interests from Socially Dangerous Encroachment as a Factor, which Excludes Criminality of an Act: International Experience. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 22 (4). Available at: abacademies.org/articles/criteria-and-basic-signs-of-the-lawful-protection-of-the-persons-interests-from-socially-dangerous-encroachment-as-a-factor-which-8565.html

  4. Skrypniuk, O. V., Оnishchenko, N. M., Parkhomenko, N. M. (2019). Awareness in Law as Strategical Direction of Legal Policy. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 10 (5), 1534–1540. Available at: https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/4841

  1. Shemshuchenko, Y. S., Skrypniuk, O. V. (2018). Legal status of full members (academicians) and cor-respondent members of NAS of Ukraine: evolution, modernity and perspectives. Visnik Nacional’noi’ Academii’ Nauk Ukrai’ni, 9, 3–17. doi: http://doi.org/10.15407/visn2018.09.003 
  1. Skrypniuk, O., Batanov, O. (2017). Aktualni problemy teorii dzherel konstytutsiinoho prava Ukrainy (aksiolohichni, hnoseolohichni ta ontolohichni aspekty). Pravo Ukrainy, 6, 39–52.
  1. Shemshuchenko, Yu. S., Skrypniuk, O. V. (2017). Metodolohichni problemy vzaiemodii derzhavy i hromadianskoho suspilstva v suchasnii Ukraini. Pravova derzhava, 28, 3–12. Available at: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/PrDe_2017_28_3
  1. Skrypniuk, O. V., Kmita, O. V. (2016). Konstytutsiina zakonnist yak bazova skladova zabezpechennia pryntsypu zakonnosti v Ukraini. Almanakh prava, 7, 20–25.

  2. Skrypniuk, O., Kresina, I., Dorokhina, Y., Zolotarova, N., Petrenko, O. (2019). Civil Liability of Police Officers in France. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 22 (5). Available at: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/Civil-liability-of-police-officers-in-France-1544-0044-22-5-425.pdf