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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Файл подання є документом у форматі Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF або WordPerfect.
  • Інтернет-посилання у тексті супроводжуються повними коректними адресами URL.
  • Текст набраний 12-м розміром кеглю з одинарним міжрядковим інтервалом; авторські акценти виділені курсивом, а не підкресленням (всюди, крім адрес URL); всі ілюстрації, графіки та таблиці розміщені безпосередньо у тексті, там, де вони повинні бути за змістом (а не у кінці документу).
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".
  • Якщо матеріал подається у рецензований розділ журналу, при оформленні файлу подання були виконані інструкції щодо Гарантій сліпого рецензування.

Author Guidelines

Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe (TCPHEE)considers for publication original articles, editorials, commentaries, literature reviews, book reviews, news, letters to the editor, announcements of events, and various other features. TCPHEE publishes original research from all fields of public health. More information about the journal scope is provided under 'About this journal'. Two issues of the journal are published each calendar year.

It is expected that the submitted manuscripts have not been published previously, are not currently under consideration for publication in other journals, and are not archived as pre-prints.

Studies that have been presented at conferences and other scientific meetings can be considered for publication. Authors are encouraged to refer to the conference abstracts and proceedings published earlier. However, it is recommended that the title of a new submitted manuscript differs from that used in earlier published abstracts. Authors are also encouraged to clearly disclose previous abstracts and proceedings in the cover letter and to possibly refer to them.

Most of the abovementioned types of submissions are subject to peer-review. However, commentaries, news, book reviews, letters to the editor, if they do not comprise research conducted by the authors, are published after internal review.

Manuscript preparation

The TCPHEE style and editorial policies conform to the 'Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals', as specified by the statements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Unless differently specified below, all these guidelines ( apply to the TCPHEE.

Original papers should be organized in traditional format and consist of an Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions. Original research articles should be limited to 4000 words. Authors are advised to use the manuscript template as well as the Resources for Authors page.


Due to the indexing requirements all the references whose original texts are not in Latin letters (Roman alphabet) should be translated into English, and the language of the original publication needs to be specified in brackets after the title: (in Russian), (in Ukrainian).

The preferred style of citation is APA. Authors are advised to use citation management recommendations and to apply citation management software such as MendeleyEndNote, BibTex, RefMan, RefWorks etc. However, manuscripts in Russian and Ukrainian with references according to Russian or Ukrainian national standards are also considered for publication.


All papers are to be accompanied with a structured abstracts up to 300 words. Sections in the abstract are Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.

Due to the multilingual nature of the journal, papers submitted in Ukrainian should include abstracts in English, Russian and Ukrainian, papers in Russian should include abstracts in English and Russian, and papers in English must include at least an English abstract. Authors of English language contributions whose native language is Russian or Ukrainian are expected to submit abstracts in these languages as well.

Manuscript revision

If major changes are suggested as a result of peer-review, the author is expected to resubmit the manuscript with all the changes tracked, so that the changes are visible for the editors and the reviewers.

The author is also required to provide an itemized response to each reviewers' comments. A sample table how this can be done is shown below.

Reviewers' commentsAuthors' answers
Reviewer 1 
Comment 1..... 
Comment 2.... 
Reviewer 2 
Comment 1.... 
Comment 2.... 


Original article

Original articles are peer-reviewed reports of conducted studies.

Literature review

Literature reviews are peer-reviewed materials

Book review

A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit.

Maximum length 3000 words.

Brief Report

Brief reports are within 1000 words, one table and one figure

Conference proceedings/abstracts

Conference abstracts are within 300 words

Privacy Statement

Імена та електронні адреси, які вказуються користувачами сайту цього журналу, будуть використовуватись виключно для виконання внутрішніх технічних завдань цього журналу; вони не будуть поширюватись та передаватись стороннім особам.