Modern processes of urbanisation: the main trends and challenges


  • Liudmyla Yelisieieva Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Ukraine



urbanization, international index (the City Prosperity Index), international institutes of city development, cooperation of cities, urban competition


The main tendencies and intensity of urban processes in different regions of the world are analyzed in the article. The peculiarities of African urban paradox and the notion of «Asian urban century» are defined. The major stages of urban development institutionalization on the international level are summarized. The positive effects and negative outcomes of the urban processes increase and cities’ functions evolution are specified. On the basis of international statistics, it is found out that there was an urban slowdown in modern conditions. The speed of change of Kyiv population number comparing to other capitals of Eastern and Western Europe and the USA from 1990 and the United Nations organization’s prediction till 2025 are analyzed. Specific methodologies of new international index usage (the City Prosperity Index) are characterized. The rating of Ukrainian cities comparing to other cities according to 5 main criteria: productivity level, infrastructure development, social service, equality and social consolidation, ecological resilience are analyzed. Dynamics of small Ukrainian cities population number is researched and some specific challenges and threats which appeared nowadays in Ukraine are defined.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Yelisieieva, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Economics and Economic Theory


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Economic theory and history of economic thought