Diagnostic of building enterprises marketing microenvironment in Ukraine


  • Olha Seleznova Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine




constructing company, marketing activity, marketing microenvironment, suppliers, competitors, contact audience, clients


The article presents diagnostic of building enterprises marketing microenvironment in Ukraine. Personal questions are developed and a survey of the subjects of the construction industry, according to the constituent elements of marketing microenvironment, is conducted. Approaches to conducting marketing activities at the enterprises, namely the vision of the place and the tasks performed by the marketing department, are studied. The analysis of support and maintenance of contacts with suppliers is made. The characteristics of the interaction of enterprises with customers, research competitors, relations with contact audiences of construction entities are summarized. Conclusions and recommendations on the further marketing activities for enterprises in the market are formulated.

Author Biography

Olha Seleznova, Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

PhD in Economic, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing


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