Organization of risk management system at the enterprise


  • Kateryna Semenova Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine
  • Krystyna Tarasova Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



enterprise, entrepreneurial activity, risk, risk management, risk management system, strategy, tactics, profit, losses


According to the results of the research the essence of the definition of risk category, as a unity of three parties – risk as a phenomenon, a risk of the enterprise as a whole and risk of the sphere of activity of the enterprise, is established. The concept of risk management in entrepreneurial activity as a system of targeted measures aimed at identifying and assessing the extent of the totality of risks that affect the activities of the company in order to develop mechanisms to counteract their possible negative effects is determined. Seven basic principles on which we must rely in the process of organization of the risk management system at the enterprise are identified. The essence of strategy and tactics of risk management are examined. Functions of risk management are found out. Organization scheme of system of the risk management at the enterprise is improved.

Author Biographies

Kateryna Semenova, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics

Krystyna Tarasova, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, lecturer, Department of Statistics


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