Modern demographic situation in Ukraine and prospects of its development


  • Victor Kravchenko Donbass State Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Natalia Kravchenko Donbass State Pedagogical University, Ukraine



demographic crisis, birth rate, death rate, poverty level, average life expectancy, social policy


The features, forms of display and the reasons of demographic crisis in modern Ukraine are considered in the article. Major factors which promote deterioration of a demographic situation in the country are defined. It is grounded, that a modern demographic situation is characterized by depopulation tendencies, birth rate decrease, death rate increase in all century groups, and reduction of life expectancy and change of character of the migratory processes. The attention is focused on the sharpest existing and possible future social and demographic problems in Ukraine. It is proved, that prospects and the further development of the given situation in the state require carrying out of a targeted and effective state demographic policy.

Author Biographies

Victor Kravchenko, Donbass State Pedagogical University

PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor of Educational Institutions Management Department

Natalia Kravchenko, Donbass State Pedagogical University

Senior Teacher of Educational Institutions Management Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics