About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Aim and objectives
The aim of the collection of scientific works «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» is to publish the promising scientific research results in an economics field, and also the main results of scientific degrees applicants’ dissertations.
Our editorial policy aims to attract a wide range of Ukrainian and foreign experts and researchers for discuss actual questions of the economy and economic development, global socio-economic problems and find ways to solve them.
Guided by the requirements of international scientific community and high publication standards, the editorial board of the collection of scientific works «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» prefers original scientific research and also strives to achieve the following objectives:
- The best international publishing practices observance and dissemination.
- The modern expert scientific information-analytical environment formation.
- Ukrainian scientific research promoting and competitive developments creation for international market of scientific products.
- The progressive business models of open scientific communication promoting the creation, Ukrainian science integration into European and international scientific field, and also modern digital research infrastructures.
- The global open science initiatives supporting and modern opportunities using, which provided by the digital landscape (European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Initiative for Open Citations), etc.
- Formation of a reputable reviewers team from different countries, representatives of various areas of economic research with a high scientific rating.
- Ensuring transparency of peer review standards.
- Abidance of international standards of publishing ethics, anti-corruption standards among authors of publications (combating with unfair citation practices), and also copyrights to published materials.
- Raising the edition rating and increasing its representation on the national and international library-abstracting and scientometric platforms.
In our work we strive to follow of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) recommendations
The modern online toolkit of Open Journal System international editorial and publishing platform (on the “Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine” platform) and international digital identification of scientific publications – DOI from Crossref registration agency, allow us to join and support an international Initiative for Open Citations, using the advantages of Crossref’s Cited-by service, to be presented on an Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) national platform – a database of scientific literature and tool for citations tracking, and also such modern international digital scientific platforms as Dimensions (USA, UK), WorldCat (USA), OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (EU), BASE (Germany), Scilit (Basel, Switzerland), etc.
Subject areas
- Economic theory and history of economic thought (051 Economics);
- Economics and national economy management (051 Economics, 073 Management);
- Productive forces development and regional economy (051 Economics);
- Economics of nature management and environmental protection (051 Economics);
- Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics (051 Economics);
- State and business entities economic security (051 Economics, 073 Management);
- Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics (051 Economics);
- Analysis, audit, accounting and taxation (051 Economics, 071 Accounting and taxation);
- Finance, banking and insurance (072 Finance, banking and insurance);
- Management and business administration (073 Management, 281 Public management and administration);
- Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity (075 Marketing, 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity);
- Tourism economics and hotel and restaurant business (241 Hotel and restaurant business, 242 Tourism);
- International economic relations (292 International economic relations).
Peer Review Process
The scientific manuscripts peer review (expert evaluation) procedure, which submitted to the editorial office of “Socio-economic research bulletin” is determined by the approved Provision .
The editorial board includes leading domestic and foreign experts in an economic sciences area, carrying out an expert evaluation of scientific articles according to international criteria. The double blind peer review method is used for scientific manuscripts expert evaluation.
Experts in an economic sciences area with a Doctor of Economic Sciences degree, which have published in international and Ukrainian cited editions on economic problems over the past five years and areas that relevant to the collection subject areas, are involved in peer review process.
The standard peer review process is no more than 7 days.
Open formOpen Access Policy
Collection of scientific works «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» of Odessa National Economic University is an open access edition, which supports the principles of free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for general social progress. Open access policy provides:
- free access to electronic versions issues and its viewing and downloading;
- placing a full-text issues on the edition website;
- placing edition on official website of the Vernadskiy National Library of Ukraine;
- placing edition in the national and international scientific portals (international portal Open Journal System, which supported by the «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine» project);
- placing edition in the national and international open access electronic repositories, libraries and directories;
- placing edition in the national and international scientometric, refereed and other databases for indexing, ranking and improving impact-factor.
Open Access Policy is extends for all issues of «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» since its creating.
Ethical standarts and principles
The scientific publications ethics is a system of professional behavior norms in relations between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers in creating, disseminating and using process of scientific research and publications.
Editorial board of «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» was guided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) recommendations for publishing policy developing, Code of Ethics for a scientist in Ukraine, and also the best international practices and publication standards.
We strive to follow Сore Practice COPE for journal and publishers in our work
Plagiarism policy
All articles submitted to the editorial board, necessarily pass the plagiarism check.
Plagiarism involves the deliberate copying of unfamiliar works without proper indication authorship or content copying without providing for appropriate references. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law, as well as patent law, and as such may cause to legal responsibility. The editorial board, reviewers adhere to a strict policy in case of plagiarism within their competence, which provides for the following:
- Before, during or after the publication process, if an editorial board member, reviewer or author discovers any element of plagiarism, authors are advised to indicate appropriate citations.
- The submitted manuscript is checked for the plagiarism before starting the review process.
- If between 5% up to 20% plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is sent for revision in order to confirm an authorship identification. If more than 20% of plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is rejected and authors are encouraged to review and resubmit the manuscript.
- If an edition readers find any case of plagiarism, the editorial board should send them a request for receiving an obtain information from the editorial office with the following details, such as: journal name, manuscript title, volume number, issue number, publication year or any other information that may be of interest to the journal. In this case, the editorial board follows the appropriate procedure for information checking provided and makes a decision about on compliance of published material with established criteria.
- The editor should not leave unanswered claims regarding the reviewed manuscripts or published materials, as well as in case upon detection of a conflict situation, to take all necessary measures for restoring the violated rights.
- The manuscript, which went through a peer review process and was published in the journal, but later it was discovered that it contains plagiarism, is sent to the address where the author works and to a financial agency. Each page of the PDF is marked and based on the extent of plagiarism and the article may be formally retracted.
- Unicheck anti-plagiarism software is used to verify of the article originality. The submitted manuscript is considered an unpublished work and it is not considered for publication in other editions. Reprinting the submitted manuscript in whole or in part will be considered a violation of plagiarism policy and will not be approved by the journal. Plagiarism also applies to drawings, tables, equations or illustrations, direct downloads from Internet without proper confirmation of the sources from which they are taken.
- Sometimes, the authors are in danger of committing self-plagiarism. It refers to reuse of one’s own copyrighted material without proper attribution to the original source. If a categorical reference is made to previously published work or the exact sentences are cited in quotation marks, it clearly separates it from the rest of the content and doesn’t create any ambiguity. At times, the authors may not aware that they are plagiarizing the content; nevertheless it is one’s own responsibility to clearly demarcate the differences between paraphrasing and quoting exact words and citing with proper references. At times, the authors knowingly borrow the ideas, contents from the other authors which constitutes blatant plagiarism. Sometimes, the authors resort to much more devious means such as salami-slicing where the authors extract small amounts of data in increments from the previously published articles.
- If the authors knowingly borrow ideas, the scientific works content of other authors, this is unambiguously assessed by the editorial board and scientific community as plagiarism with the corresponding legal consequences for such an author.
If the suspected plagiarism is detected in a published article
- The person whoever has disclosed this information is advised to follow the process to effectively address the problem.
- The extent of copying in the published article suspected of plagiarism is evaluated.
- The editorial board members are intimated and asked for their valuable feedback.
- The author for the article in question is contacted with supporting evidence and asked for a response.
- If the authors are found guilty of plagiarism, editorial board publishes an official disclaimer of publication.
- The edition will not consider the author’s any publications in the future for a period of 3 years.
- Different types of plagiarism are explained based on extent, originality of the copied material, context, referencing, intention, author seniority and language. The journal responses to plagiarism include educating authors, contacting authors’ institutions, issuing corrections and issuing retractions.
- The editor provides the following documentation in response to the plagiarized work: the description of the alleged misconduct; manuscript title; the list of the authors; title of ideas; list of creators and date of creation; copies of both the manuscripts; full name and address of the complainant.
- The charge of the plagiarism, the supporting materials and the outcomes remain confidential and are known to only those who are involved in the review process.
Journal History
We invite scientists and researchers from different countries for cooperation in priority areas in economics.
The collection of scientific works «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» was founded in August 1999 and included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which can be published results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate, for Economics sciences according to the decree of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated from 29.12.2014 № 1528.
Founder and Publisher – Odessa National Economic University.
Frequency of output – 4 times a year.
Language of publication – Ukrainian and English.
Certificate of state registration of the print media KB № 6448 series from 21.08.2002.
The collection of scientific works is located on the official site of the Vernadsky National Library, presented at the portal of scientific periodicals Ukraine; included in the national Bibliographic Database «Ukrainika scientific» and Ukrainian abstract journal «Source».
The collection of scientific works is registered at the International ISSN-center in periodicals in Paris – ISSN 2313-4569.
Incoming materials for publication are peer reviewed by members of the editorial board. Expressed suggestions in the articles do not necessarily reflect opinion of the editorial board. Authors take the responsibility for the accuracy of the information in the articles, the accuracy of the names, surnames and quotations.
The editors reserve the right to minor texts editing and reduction while preserving the author’s style. Provided material cannot be published elsewhere. In cases of plagiarism detection responsibility lies with the authors of submissions.
The collection of scientific works «Socio-Economic Research Bulletin» is printed and distributed on the Internet by the decision of the Academic Council of the Odessa National Economic University.