Some aspects of employment problems investigation under the conditions of Ukraine’s economy market transformation
labour market, demand for labour, labour supply, level of employment, impacts of individual factors on the employment rate, state employment policy, workforce, labour migration, unemployment, real wages, natural population growth, mechanical growth of the population, birth rate, demographic crisisAbstract
The most important factors affecting employment are summarized, and the most important current trends of the labor market development in Ukraine are identified in the article. Concrete dependences between employment rate and factors, which influence it are investigated. There are several econometric models of the dependence of employment rate on real wages, natural and mechanical growth of population, the number of graduates of higher educational institutions, which are the basis for the determination of quantification of affecting parameters of mentioned above factors on the employment rate. Key positions of the state strategy of regulation of the labour market in Ukraine are justified. Tasks for overcoming of negative tendencies on it are identified. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of the state policy in the field of employment in Ukraine. Reasons for the reduction of the efficiency of the state policy of employment are specified. Some possible measures to improve the state of the Ukrainian labour market are proposed.
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