Influence of modern reforming on the national economy development
national economy, modern reforming, crisis, public administration, reforming the economyAbstract
The article deals with the historical development of the Ukrainian economy during the years of independence. The main problems of modern reforms are determined. The main reasons for the decline of Ukrainian economy are analyzed and preconditions for the emergence of the crisis are investigated. The most important reasons for the negative development of the economy, which include internal and external, objective and subjective influence, are summarized. The list of factors that most commonly affected the negative dynamics of the national economy is proposed, namely: the blurring of the purpose, strategy and tactics of Ukraine’s development; inefficient state management of the economy; indecent and chaotic privatization in Ukraine; outdated public management; the growth of public debt through lobbying for private interests by government officials; instability of the banking sector; unfavorable investment climate; loss of sovereignty of the state; catastrophic population decline.
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