The basic principles of the state policy in the field of consumer protection in the market of organic products
organic products, agricultural market, organic production, consumer protection, food safety, certificationAbstract
The essence and advantages of organic production are investigated in the article. The actual problems of development of organic products market in Ukraine and the level of its information support for consumers are considered. The legislative and regulatory framework is analyzed and shortcomings in the legal provision for stimulating the activities of agrarian enterprises in Ukraine are identified. The creation of information support tools as a way of systematization of Ukrainian «organic farms» for the development of the organic market in Ukraine, the formation of a wide range of quality food products and the introduction of a unified certification control system, which will guarantee the high quality of food to the population as an important component of food security, are proposed. The importance of introduction of environmentally friendly production is determined, which, in turn, will improve the ways of integrated solution of environmental and economic problems.
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