Marketing audit of the enterprise: methodical aspects of unification of the procedure of strategizing and evaluation of efficiency
marketing, marketing audit, marketing strategy, strategizing, strategic managementAbstract
The article considers the place of marketing audit in the system of strategic management of the enterprise. Study of the essence of the concept of marketing audit is conducted by the authors and their own interpretation of this term is proposed. The main directions of marketing audit are identified and structural units, which are responsible for providing the relevant materials for analysis, are determined. The procedure and algorithm of audit of strategic management of enterprise’s marketing activity are determined and each of the selected stages is considered in detail. It is proposed to use the results of marketing audit in the process of enterprise strategizing. The methodical approach for assessment of effectiveness, which involves the construction of a matrix of the effectiveness of strategic management of enterprises’ marketing activities, is proposed. This matrix can be used as the basis for the further improvement of marketing policy and strategic decision-making
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