Formulation of the enterprise development strategy by improving the investment attractiveness




strategy, development, investment, industrial enterprise, management, strategic planning, matrix, business, process, business unit, competitive advantages, strategic business units, market segments, investment attractiveness, method of making strategic decisions


The article reveals the practical aspects of formulation of the enterprise strategy. The main directions of formulation of the strategy of increasing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise are investigated and the methodology for strategic decision-making is presented. The features of the strategic business planning matrix (McKinsey matrix) application are investigated in the article. The process of construction of the matrix is specified. The strategies and directions of business units’ activity at the industrial enterprise are generalized. The parameters influencing the relative competitive advantages of strategic business units is analyzed and the attractiveness of market segments is justified. The McKinsey matrix for a particular industrial enterprise, which operates on the market, is proposed.

Author Biographies

Inna Grechkosiy, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Lecturer of Management of Organizations and Foreign Economic Activity Department

Olena Osychka, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Psychology, Lecturer of Management of Organizations and Foreign Economic Activity Department


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