Analysis and estimation of factors that influence the development of enterprises of travel industry in Precarpathian region




enterprises of the tourist industry, Precarpathian region, positive influencing factors, negative influencing factors, development, development strategies


The article analyzes the main factors of enterprises development of Ukrainian tourism industry on the example of Precarpathian region. It is proved that the current situation in Ukraine and the military conflict in the East of the country do not only destabilize the general situation in the country, but also serve to increase the influence of destabilizing factors that negatively affect the development of tourism enterprises in Ukraine and in the Carpathian region. The dynamics of tourist flows in the Lviv Oblast in 2006‒2016 and collective accommodation are analyzed. The authors develop proposals for successful promotion of domestic tourism products in the context of creating of marketing and service networks on priority foreign markets, trading houses, business centers, technical centers on a joint stock basis with the help of creation of network of own representative offices, branches, subsidiary companies

Author Biographies

Liubov Kvasnii, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management

Оresta Shcherban, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Perspective Technologies National University «Lviv Politechnic»

PhD in Economics, Senior lecturer, Department of Finance, Accounting and Analysis

Vasylyna Fedychyn, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

Postgraduate student, Department of Economics and Management


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