Current trends and factors of Internet-trade in Ukraine




Internet-trade, globalization, cryptocurrency, blockchain, e-wallets, e-money


The article deals with features and specifics of the Internet trading in the conditions of globalization. The concept of «Internet-trade» on the base of E-commerce constituents is identified and its place in the system of economic categories was designated. The paper shows the main risks of Internet-trade and prospects of its development in Ukraine. The key factors influencing the Internet-trade are studied. The necessity of the stimulation of its development is substantiated. The organizational and economic levers of development stimulation of Internet-trade, based on the detailed analysis of the problem, main trends and peculiarities of the process, are given. Proposals and recommendations on ensuring the effective functioning of Internet-trade in Ukraine are formulated with the orientation towards globalization processes.

Author Biography

Tetiana Kuklinova, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Enterprise Economy and Enterprinership Organization


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