Management measures to improve the efficiency of the rapeseed production




management, rapeseed, efficiency, profitability, business plan, resources


The article considers current trends of efficiency of rapeseed production in Ukraine based on the yields analysis and its comparison with the average level in Europe, as well as its profitability and cost-effectiveness. The role of management in providing of rapeseed production efficiency is determined. Management measures are proposed in order to improve: the management system of enterprise efficiency, the resource management in rapeseed production, management of crop production development, sales management of rapeseed, management of environmental protection. The necessity of attracting qualified managers to performance management, development of business plans for rapeseed production, work with specialized software for forecasting the rapeseed production is substantiated

Author Biography

Dina Tokarchuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Administrative Management and Alternative Energy Sources


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