Theoretical aspects of financial engineering in a commercial bank




financial engineering, innovative tools, effective system, financial market, business processes


The article deals with theoretical aspects of financial engineering on the financial market. The existing theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence of financial engineering, its role and principles in the management of banking institutions are summarized. Effective banking activity on the financial market, their specifics, problems, dynamic processes ‒ all this requires the formation of an effective system of financial engineering. The most effective system of financial engineering for banks for the purpose of redistribution of financial resources, risks, liquidity, profitability and information in the conditions of financial market volatility and peculiarities of its formation are determined. Methodology of banking engineering, which adapts to transformational conditions for the development of banking business processes is developed.

Author Biographies

Yana Andrieieva, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Lecturer, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market

Gennadiy Velishko, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market

Iryna Ropotan, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market


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