Theoretical basis for assessing the creditworthiness of bank borrower
commercial bank, credit activity of bank, bank’s loan portfolio, creditworthiness of bank borrower, credit risk of bank, credit risk of bank borrower, expenses of bank, bank reserves for credit operationsAbstract
The article offers a scientific and practical approach to assess the creditworthiness of Ukrainian bank’s borrower. As a result of the conducted research, it is proved: 1) the existing problems of assessing the creditworthiness of borrower are based on banks’ attempts to make unsecured loans and do not create reserves for credit risk by their own expenses; 2) the potential creditworthiness of any borrower is zero and implies a 100% credit risk; 3) credit risk reduction and improvement of the borrower’s creditworthiness are only possible by taking of security under credit agreement by the bank; 4) the sum of a potential loan depends entirely on the amount of the security provided by the borrower under credit agreement; 5) the net credit risk has to be fully covered by the bank’s own expenses for the formation of reserves for this risk.
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