Formation of anti-crisis management strategy of machine-building enterprises of the Zaporizhia region
crisis, diagnostics, liquidity, strategy, enterprises of mechanical engineering, anti-crisis management, financial sustainability, stabilityAbstract
The article describes approaches to interpreting the concept of the enterprise crisis management. The general aspects of crisis management are outlined, the types of crises are distinguished, the essence of the concept «anti-crisis management» is studied. Trends of development of machine building enterprises of Zaporizhia region are considered. The necessity of introduction of crisis management at the enterprises with the purpose of overcoming of their unprofitability, and also providing of sustainable development is substantiated. The current state of crisis management of enterprises is investigated. It is also determined that in the conditions of the global financial crisis enterprises of mechanical engineering are characterized by further fall in the main indicators of financial and economic activity. The main causes of the crisis are defined: capital and technology shortages, limited access to lending and high interest rates, non-diversification and export-orientation to external markets, market entry of cheaper and more qualitative imported products and, consequently, decrease in production. The conceptual framework for the formation of the anticrisis management mechanism, which provides for the application of functional, system, process, target, situational, adaptive approaches are proposed. Together they allow to form anti-crisis measures at all levels of enterprise management, depending on the depth of crisis phenomena and to assess its anti-crisis potential.
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