Modeling the advertising strategy of enterprises on the pharmaceutical products market




pharmaceutical enterprise, pharmaceutical market, advertising strategy, simulation modeling, simulation experiment, AnyLogic system


An analysis of the studies results on the advertising strategies formation for industrial enterprises is carried out. The specifics of the advertising strategies development by pharmaceutical industry enterprises are determined. A review of well-known applications of the mathematical apparatus during the problem solution is explored. The necessity of using the simulation approach in the process of modeling advertising strategies is substantiated. Applied aspects of the use of simulation modeling are presented on the example model of the pharmaceutical enterprise advertising company. The model is implemented on the platform of the system of multi-threaded simulation AnyLogic. The expediency of using the proposed mathematical apparatus in increasing the efficiency of enterprises marketing activities is confirmed by the submitted results of simulation experiments.

Author Biographies

Zoia Sokolovska, Odessa National Polytechnic University

PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies Department

Iryna Kapustian, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Postgraduate student of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies Department


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Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics