The influence of socio-economic instability on investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy




investment attractiveness, foreign investments, national economy, social and economic instability, index of investment attractiveness


The problem of influence of social and economic instability on investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy is considered in the article. The formation of a holistic view of investment attractiveness and factors that determine it is an important component of solution to this problem. The issue of improvement of investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy in the conditions of socio-economic instability is analyzed, which is one of the main problems of economic developments of Ukraine. The main factors creating investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy are identified in the article. The dynamics and areas of foreign capital inflows are disclosed. The state of investment attractiveness of Ukraine according to international rating estimations and the main problems of attracting capital to the domestic economy are determined. The influence of social factors on the level of foreign investment inflows is estimated by the method of statistical analysis. The ways to increase the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian economy in the conditions of social and economic instability are suggested

Author Biography

Volodymyr Vydobora, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of General Economic Theory and Economic Policy


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Economic theory and history of economic thought