E-democracy monitoring as a part of economic development in the conditions of digitization
information and communication technologies, indexes, e-government, democracy, freedom of the press, freedom in the worldAbstract
The article notes that with an information and communication technologies development and with the purpose of opportunities expanding for citizen participation in the state building and public administration process, edemocracy tools are increasingly being used. A functional and correlation analysis of the e-democracy development indicators are performed, namely, the indexes: e-government development, democracy development, freedom of the press and speech. The indicators structure, which included in calculation of these indexes, and also mechanism of integral index calculation is established. The presence of a generally correlation between the studied indices at a high level of significance is noted. The information about of these indices dynamic by the countries of world for the last decade are given. It is indicated that there is a tendency towards the stagnation of the studied indices in the whole world. The presence of stagnation tendency of the studied indices in the whole world is indicated. A conclusion about the necessity performing of different activities which aimed to improve the current situation with e-democracy in Ukraine is concluded. The performed functional and correlation analysis of monitoring indicators of e-democracy development is a part of building a single integral indicator process, which will include all aspects of the ICT market functioning, and, consequently, provide a more complete description of it.References
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