Subscontracting center as an element of infrastructure of Ukrainian industrial market




industrial cooperation, subcontracting, subcontracting center, marketing functions, communication and information technologies


The article presents author’s own definition of the «subcontracting» concept in conditions of market transformation towards the digital economy. The essence of the term «Subcontracting Center», various decisions on creation of institutional base of the Subcontracting Center and its main functions are considered. It is noted that one of the most expedient ways to overcome the crisis phenomena in Ukrainian industry can be the application of modern forms of management, namely, the establishment of subcontracted relations between different-scale enterprises. The methodology for selecting industrial regions, which have the potential for forming subcontracting relations between industrial enterprises, based on the economic indicators system and cluster analysis is improved. This methodology, unlike the previous ones, takes into account the size of enterprises, the number of employees and wage earners, labor costs, the volume of products sold, and the financial result. On the basis of economic indicators system, the market structure of Ukrainian industrial enterprises is determined to identify industrial regions, in which there may be options of effective subcontractual interrelations of different-scale enterprises. A more detailed research of industry and machine-building industry of Odessa region, which is the part of cluster of the most industrialized Ukrainian regions, based on the results of analysis of the entrepreneurship development indicators, is advisable. The methodical bases of the options for creating Subcontracting Center in Odessa, the principles of its financing, the list of services to be provided, and the provision of its marketing functions, are developed. The effect of activity of the Subcontracting Center as an infrastructure object for supporting business entities in Odessa and the country as a whole is shown.

Author Biography

Yana Avdiienko, Odessa National Economic University

Lecturer, Department of Marketing


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