Enterprise’s financial equilibrium in the system of modern economic relations
financial equilibrium, economic equilibrium, social equilibrium, balance of household budgets, global equilibrium, nooequilibriumAbstract
The subject of the article is the financial equilibrium of an enterprise in the system of equilibrium interrelations in the economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the place of the enterprise financial equilibrium in the hierarchical system of economic relations. The objective is achieved by using the following general and specific research methods: dialectical approach, induction and deduction, ratio analysis, comparative trend analysis. The financial state of ninety-three leading enterprises of the food, machine-building, metallurgical and chemical industries is analyzed. The signs of financial equilibrium are identified at every fourth enterprise. The trend towards an increase in financial imbalances in industry and in the socio-economic environment of Ukraine is revealed. The interrelation of financial imbalances that are present at the level of households, enterprises and economy of Ukraine is proved. It is shown that the high poverty level among the Ukrainian population, on the one hand, is the result of the loss of the financial balance by the vast majority of employers and, on the other hand, the reason for the low level of human capital development that is necessary for the restoration of equilibrium at all hierarchical levels of the economy. The theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of enterprise financial equilibrium are further developed. A complex system of equilibrium relations in the economy is presented. The place of financial equilibrium in the system of economic relations is specified. The noostical qualities of the financial equilibrium of the dissipative type are determined: dynamism, cyclical nature, adjustable character, subordination to the achievement of strategic socio-economic goals of system development.
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