Determining the efficiency of investment activity of industrial holding enterprises




investment activity, efficiency, industrial enterprises, holding, state regulation


The article estimates the efficiency of investment activity of industrial holding enterprises. The ways to increase the efficiency of investment activity at the state and regional levels are developed. The basic methods of regulation of investment processes, the priority directions of use of state and non-state financing sources are determined. Investments contribute to the upgrade of obsolescent and deprecated equipment, modernization of technological processes of production, the application of the latest technologies and knowledge that ultimately leads to increase in the competitiveness of products, enterprise, its profits from production activities and the improvement of financial condition. The priority purpose of investment activity is to satisfy the participants’ interests to the fullest extent. Therefore, the qualitative characteristic of the investment efficiency is to obtain the highest level of efficiency. The in-depth study of the essence of the investment activity effectiveness of industrial enterprises is carried out; management instrument, which gives the opportunity to increase the investors’ motivation and to raise the level of manageability of the results and the efficiency of investment activity of industrial holding enterprises, is improved. There is a problem of choice for investing in industrial enterprises with the best prospects of development and which will be able to ensure the high efficiency of invested capital. The main factors hindering the processes of the investment activity are summarized. The priority tasks for the reform of administrative mechanisms at the enterprise level are identified. According to the results of the study, it is possible to conclude that each industrial enterprise should invest actively for the successful and efficient functioning and reflect its investment attractiveness

Author Biographies

Olena Ocheredko, Azov Maritime Institute of National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship on Sea Transport

Olena Tishchenko, Azov Maritime Institute of National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

Senior Lecturer, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship on Sea Transport


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