The interaction between labor markets and educational services in the context of providing economic security
labor market, educational service market, economic security, higher education institutionsAbstract
The article considers recent trends in the development of labor market and market of educational services in Ukraine. The characterizing features and specificity of economic security of the institutions offering higher education are defined, the threats of its provision are outlined. The study identifies issues of interaction between labor market and market of educational services that have an adverse effect on economic security in higher education institutions. The author of the article determines that the trends of the inconsistencies between the level of graduates of higher education institutions and the needs of the economy, the state and the requirements of employers have been spreading recently. As a result of the problem aggravation of inconsistency between the market of educational services and the needs of the labor market, a significant proportion of specialists, who receive higher education, are not employed on their specialty, the unemployment rate among graduates of higher education institutions has increased. The imbalance between the market of educational services and the labor market, which manifests itself in the dominance of supply over demand, the excess of demand for certain specialties and absence of demand for others, negatively affects and reduces the level of economic security of higher education institutions. Based on the research, it is found that higher education institutions are need of providing a competitive advantage as an instrument for enhancing the level of economic security in order to meet the challenges of adaptation, survival and development in the current circumstances. The author of the article suggests certain approaches to raise the level of economic security in higher education institutions, in particular: implementation of dual education system, organization of communication between labor market and market of educational services, expansion of specialization of higher education institutions, establishment of new specialties and specialties, which are popular in society, establishment of regional education advancement foundation, creation of educational clusters, etc.
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