Assessment of logistics factors influence on enterprise asset profitability indicator
factor analysis, logistics, asset profitability, inventory, method of chain substitution, method of identifying the isolated influence of factorsAbstract
Assessment of logistics factors influence on enterprise efficiency applied on the Public Joint-Stocked Company «Odesskiy kabelnyi zavod «Odeskabel» is conducted in the article.For this purpose, the essence of factor analysis is considered, types of factor analysis models are identified. It is shown that the level of stocks at the enterprise can serve as an indicator of logistics concepts introduction. In order to analyze the degree of influence of logistics factors on the effectiveness level, it is suggested to use factor models of the enterprise’s assets profitability. The twofactor and three three-factor models of profitability of the company’s assets are built by the author. Assessment of factors influence on the output indicator is conducted using the method of chain substitutions and the method of identifying the isolated influence of factors that makes it possible to highlight the influence of separate factors as well as their synergy. The models are tested based on the data from the financial records of financial statements of Public Joint-Stocked Company «Odesskiy kabelnyi zavod «Odeskabel» from 2015‒2016. As a result of the conducted analysis, the influence of factors on enterprise’s assets profitability the is revealed, namely, the proportion of stocks in the total value of assets, the profitability of stocks, the proportion of production stocks in the average annual cost of stocks, the profitability of production stocks, the proportion of work-in-process stocks in the total value of the enterprise’s stocks, the proportion of finished goods in the costs of the enterprise’s stocks, the profitability of finished goods stocks and the mutual influence of the separate factors. It is proved that growth of the profitability of stocks leads to the growth of the assets profitability, while a decrease in the proportion of stocks and a simultaneous increase in the proportion of stocks and the proportion of finished goods stocks indicates the reduction of the enterprise’s assets profitability
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