Theoretical foundations of the organizational and economic mechanism of corporate social responsibility implementation at construction enterprises




corporate social responsibility, organizational and economic mechanism, stakeholder, construction company, personnel, mechanism of corporate social responsibility formation, elements of the mechanism of corporate social responsibility


The article considers the conceptual aspects of the mechanism of corporate social responsibility formation. The theoretical and methodological foundations of forming the mechanism of corporate social responsibility are presented and its peculiarities and problems of its implementation at the enterprises of the building industry are analyzed. Changes in factors of the environment of the functioning of enterprises require the implementation of new management concepts in their activity. Implementation of the practice of corporate social responsibility in Ukraine is a topical task today, which is caused by the development of conceptual provisions for conducting activities, European integration processes of the country; an increase in the level of transparency of Ukrainian borders for foreign capital and domestic producers’ entry into international markets; increasing consumers requirements to the enterprises’ activities and their impact on the society and the environment, military actions in the territory of Ukraine. The introduction of mechanisms for implementing corporate social responsibility of the enterprise contributed to the fact that state and society has found a single market model of relationships with stakeholders, represented worthy competition on the world market and kept segments of the domestic national market. The advantages, disadvantages and obstacles in the sphere of using corporate social responsibility by domestic enterprises are investigated, prospects of its development are determined. The interaction and areas of responsibility of public administration bodies, business structures, trade unions, public organizations and other stakeholders are analyzed. The actual theoretical and methodological problems of formation and development of corporate social responsibility of business entities in Ukraine are outlined.

Author Biography

Vladyslava Troian, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Postgraduate Student, Economics of Enterprise, Business Administration and Regional Development Department


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