Detection of the interaction between the quality of public administration and the level of socioeconomic development in the region




regional development, provision of socio-economic development, public administration, quality assessment criteria, taxonomic analysis, fuzzy set theory, trend model


The article proposes methodological support for detection of the interaction between the quality of public administration and the level of socio-economic development in the region. In order to determine the integral indicator of the level of socio-economic development and creating a regional ranking, a complex of initial indicators is formed in the context of such important components as: economic efficiency; financial self-sufficiency; foreign economic cooperation and investment development; development of small and medium enterprises, infrastructure; labor market efficiency; openness of the authorities and accessibility to administrative services; social protection and security; availability and quality of services in the areas of education, health care, rational nature management; renewable energy and energy efficiency; quality of the environment. The term-sets of linguistic variables of the quality of public administration for the correct use of the fuzzy set method are substantiated. The importance of construction of existing trend models (linear, power, exponential, logarithmic) for each region is proved in order to determine the connection between the indicators and the subsequent forecasting. The feature of the proposed methodological approach is the use of diverse analytical tools, namely: taxonomic analysis, the theory of fuzzy sets, the trend projection method. The use of this approach will help not only to determine the level of influence of the quality of the application of the relevant public administration tools in order to facilitate the adoption of future management decisions in the context of ensuring the effective socio-economic development of the region, but also to assess unambiguously the current situation through reducing the series of indicators of socio-economic development of region to the single one indicator

Author Biography

Alona Zolenko, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Public Administration and Regional Economy Department


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