Perspectives of innovative development of recreational land use in Ukraine towards European integration




recreational land use, European integration processes, strategy, foresight-forecasting, ecologization


The аrticle substantiates the need for the transformation of existing approaches to change the institutional basis for recreational land use. The task of providing innovative development of recreational territories taking into account modern trends and European initiatives on the way to sustainable development of territories is solved. The main obstacles on the way to European integration processes in the sphere of recreational land use are considered. The connection between the sustainable development of the relevant process and its institutional and financial support by the state is substantiated. The main priorities of the correction of the mechanism of management and development of the corresponding territories are determined. Socio-ecological and economic aspects of the European integration processes in Ukraine in social-information, market, basic and normative-legislative directions are taken into account. It is proved that formation of a comprehensive land strategy program can become an effective mechanism for its modernization and introduction of innovative technologies in the field of land relations. In order to develop a strategy for innovative development of recreational land use, the most relevant is the use of foresight research methodology. In the framework of formation of target plants for the purpose of strategy development of recreational land use in the direction of European integration of environmental management processes a scenario is proposed. It combines foresight research methods taking into account the correct use of various methods, which are based on creativity, experience, interaction and actual data. In the conditions of implementing the above-mentioned measures, it is possible to introduce European initiatives in the recreational sector of Ukraine

Author Biographies

Oksana Varfolomeyeva, Odessa State Agrarian University

Senior Lecturer of Geodesy and Nature Management Department

Daria Bulysheva, Odessa State Agrarian University

PhD in Economics, Assistant of Geodesy and Nature Management Department


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Economics of nature management and environmental protection