Assessment of region’s human capacity: theoretical aspects




human capacity, region’s human capacity, human development index, life expectancy, welfare, education


The article is devoted on the topical issue of assessment of region’s human potential, since there is a real link between the establishment of democracy and the provision of conditions for human development at the regional level. It is determined that today the analysis of the level of human potential development is extremely important and relevant as an indicator of effectiveness of socio-economic system. In turn, the use of economic and statistical methods of analysis of human capabilities will reveal some patterns of development of human potential in the country. Different theoretical approaches to assessing human potential both at the state level and at the regional level are investigated. It is determined that existing approaches undergo significant evolutionary changes that are related to the challenges of the time and the transformation of the very concept of «human potential». The evolution in the approaches of human development index calculation using the methodology developed by the United Nations is analysed. The current trends in the assessment of regional human potential in EU countries are summarized. The analysis of international experience in the calculation of regional indices of human development at the subnational level has shown that, despite the diversity of national methods, most of them focus on three classical dimensions of human development: long and healthy life, educational achievements and well-being of the population. Although the list of indicators used for measurement of the achievements of separate territories may be supplemented by additional indicators (e.g. infant mortality rate, poverty rate or unemployment rate), the interpretation of the components of human development is rather narrow. This determines the need to expand the worldview on the features of human development at the regional and local levels, taking into account other important characteristics of the quality of life of the population. Recommendations on convergence of national and foreign methods of regional human potential assessment are formulated and the information provision of research is aligned for further qualitative evaluation

Author Biography

Marina Kryvtsova, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Senior lecturer, Department of Human Resources and Labor Economics


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics