Modeling of corporate management processes in company




corporate management, corporate staff training, operational and financial activities, simulation modeling, simulation model, forecasting


The article considers and analyzes modern approaches and models of corporate management in both Ukraine and the world. The information systems and technologies in the management of corporation are reviewed. The software products and information technologies used by companies in the process of corporation management are classified. The main processes in corporate management, which require constant control and analysis, the most important of which are work with clients from different regions, corporate training of the staff and its motivation, quality control of the completed works and profitability of an enterprise, are distinguished. The algorithm of estimation and analysis of corporate management processes in a company based on simulation model is proposed. The simulation model for the analysis and modelling of the corporate management processes is presented by the example of the project and investment company. The simulation experiments are carried out on the base of the simulation model. By these experiments, the organization of corporate training and staff motivation, the labor productivity and its influence on the performance processes and the quality of orders, work with clients from different regions, the flow and quality of the completed works and their influence on the client base, operational and financial activities taking into account the factors of internal and external environment, the processes of attracting financial and labor resources and their effective usage for the purpose of addressing the interests of all participants of corporate management, «narrow places» of the project and investment company work are analyzed and forecasted. The simulation model allows to analyze the connection between the corporate management processes, the influence of one process on another for the purpose of the protecting the owners’ and shareholders’ interests and enhancing the effectiveness of company.

Author Biography

Oksana Klepikova, Odessa National Polytechnic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies


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Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics