Transformation of knowledge content and functions in globalization and changes conditions in non-classical and post-nonclassical sciences




knowledge, transformation, methodology, paradigm, nonclassical and post-nonclassical science, model of economic development, criteria for evaluating and selecting the alternative conceptions


The author’s point of view on the necessity for philosophical comprehension of the modern knowledge content is given in the article. The analysis of knowledge transformation under the influence of economic globalization and paradigmatic changes in the non-classical and post-nonclassical sciences is made. The methodological basis of this publication is a dialectical approach as universal way of scientific knowledge, especially concerning the philosophical and socio-economic phenomena and processes. For analyze the ambiguous nature of the global factors influence on the knowledge essence transformation in modern conditions, methods of analogy, comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, functional analysis, hypothetical-deductive approach and other techniques were used. The place and role of knowledge essence transformation in the national economic development paradigm formation are considered through the relationship between theory and practice, general and specific. The theoretical positions and conclusions, presented in this publication, based on the dialectical logic principles are substantiated, and on this basis, the proposals regarding of economic development model of Ukraine improvement are made. All argumentation of the main research provisions is carried out on the basis of philosophical comprehension of the current knowledge model. As a research result, the authors came to the conclusion that, under the globalization influence in current conditions, the dialectic of economy and science took a special place in the knowledge transformation into a determining factor of society development. The conditions for the science development are created the economies of developed countries, which helped to achieve such a high level of knowledge, and it contributed to the economy itself transformation into the knowledge economy. In this regard, the prospect of research should be the knowledge doctrine development in order to create a knowledge economy in Ukraine.

Author Biographies

Oleksii Sydorenko, Odessa State Agrarian University

PhD in Philosophy, Professor, Head of Philosophy, History and Political Science Department

Serhii Makukha, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, General Economic Theory and Economic Policy Department


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Economic theory and history of economic thought