Logistic and industrial water space development of Ukraine in the Black Sea zone
transport infrastructure, polyvariant transport logistical chains, goods traffics optimization, multimodal transport corridors, logistical routes, the transport-logistical market, administrative logistics, the contract logistics marketAbstract
The article analyzes the current state and problems of maritime transportations development with growing flows of cargoes in the world trade. It is determined that the problem of Ukrainian ports regarding the provision of integrated transport services is inextricably linked with the state of land transport system, and especially, railways. It was revealed that she is expressed in the practical absence of modern means of communication at railway stations, and the cargo routes often bypass Ukraine due to the fact the cargo owner is not able to track the movement of goods across Ukrainian territory. Attention is drawn to the fact that, in terms of their capabilities, the railway transport is inferior to the maritime, but the congestion of traditional routes necessitates of existing routes development and the new logistics routes formation. To solve this problem, the most effective is the organizational interaction system development based on modern logistic principles, which provides the time reducing of cargoes delivery at all stages of the logistics chain, the services quality improving, costs reducing, but it’s impractical to talk about the delivery process optimizing, when in practice the material flow is ahead of information flow. The necessity of problem solving of the lack of unified information system, that would link together all services and regulatory bodies in the port, the lack of an effective document management system, that would use the minimum number of necessary primary documents and modern information document management systems, is substantiated. The proposed strategy for the multimodal logistics routes formation should be based on the role increasing of energy-saving and ecological modes of transport: railway, maritime, river.
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