Mechanisms and perspectives of tourist clusters functioning in Odessa region




types of tourism, tourism policy, tourist business, tourist activities, clusters, Odessa region


The article defines the role of the clustering process as an innovative form of integrated development of the tourist sphere. The state of the regulatory framework in the tourist sphere and clusterization process development in Ukraine is analyzed. The idea of tourist clusters creating lies in the mutual coordination of activities, when the different in functional characteristics subjects implement a common goal, thereby increasing work efficiency, accelerating the achievement of planned results, introducing new technologies, facilitating of the loans obtaining, establishing a competitive bases in the contracts distribution, forming the optimal structure of products production, determining the priorities of directions development. For Ukraine, clustering process is one of ways economy development. The tourism clusters creation is able to neutralize of the state policy imperfection of small and medium-sized businesses supporting. Tourist enterprises, united in the tourism cluster within the region, have opportunity to more effectively defend their interests at the local authorities level, and also participate in large investment programs. The tourism clusters formation mechanism traditionally includes two components: on the one hand, this is an initiative group the creation for the cluster formation, which should include both representatives of key enterprises of a potential tourist cluster and also specialists with experience in implementing the cluster model in other regions or industries (for example, experts from regional development agencies, experts from various programs and initiatives), on the other hand, a necessary condition is the cluster official recognition and registration by state and local authorities. The features creating of the different types of tourist clusters in Ukraine are investigated. The level of tourist business development in the Odessa region is assessed, existing and perspective clusters in the tourism sphere are analyzed. The directions of tourist activity improvement in region due to the clusterization process are offered.

Author Biographies

Olena Mykhailiuk, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department

Iryna Davydenko, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department


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Economics and national economy management