Marketing policy of services promotion in the hotel business of Ukraine




hotel business, marketing, services, promotion policy, environmental risk, loyalty policy, innovative technologies


The world experience in the hotel product promotion sphere is investigated. The hotel activity and hotel services provision dynamics in Ukraine are analyzed. The experience of national and international hotel chains in promotion policy, and also a new hotel chains and special hotels creation is summarized. The inculcation of better national experience in promotion policy is proposed. This branch of economic activity is a promising sphere for investment, as it is quite rapidly developing, increases the employment level in certain regions, creates the material basis for tourism development. There are many marketing tools for the hotel business competitiveness increasing. Among them: the inculcation of new information technologies, neuromarketing, the new advertising forms, promotional politics, loyalty politics and others. The hotel industry today is an industry with a growing level of competition in the hotel services market, and it is competition that is one of the incentives for improving the operation of the hotel and introducing its promotion policy. The main tasks in the hotel business sphere are: competitive advantages creating and competitiveness increasing a stable clientele forming through the ability to find your client, new development ways finding and creating, constantly updating your own promotion policies taking into account the hotel services dynamic market. In recent years, the hotel industry has been developing in negative conditions, in particular, the unstable economic and political situation in the country, which leads to a decrease in tourism and business activity, lack of funding, the lack of attractive land plots for hotel complexes construction, and long-term payback of such projects.

Author Biographies

Nina Khumarova, Institute of Market Problems and Economic & Ecological Researches of NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher of Environmental Management Economic Regulation Department

Olena Mykhailiuk, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department


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Economics and national economy management