Research methodology of traffic flow and infrastructure objects intelligent management




intelligent management, intelligent transport systems, methods, management methodology, transport


The article presents the main approaches to the research of intelligent traffic management and infrastructure facilities. The aim of research is theoretical and methodological foundations development, and also the practical recommendations development in the intelligent management field of transport flows and infrastructure objects. The conceptual elements of intellectual management methodology are investigated. The notion of intellectual management methodology is clarified. The approaches to the transport and of infrastructure objects intelligent management at the micro-, meso- and macrolevel are considered. The conceptual elements of intellectual management methodology are generalized, which it allowed to combine into a whole the philosophy, ideology, strategy, methodology, technologies into a management system, which forms the methods, ways and tools of traffic flows and infrastructure objects management. With the aim to ensure the sustainable development of intellectual transport management, the formation expediency of an individual system of principles is justified. The author proposed to consider of intellectual management through the prism of value, system, process and result. The conceptual elements of intellectual management methodology are analyzed. Methodological and conceptual approaches of traffic flows and infrastructure facilities intelligent management have allowed us to develop a scheme for intelligent management implementation at the transport enterprise. The developed stages of intellectual system modeling at the transport enterprise allow, taking into account the system approach principles, accepted backgrounds and general concept of traffic flows and infrastructure objects intelligent management, to determine the main set of elements of a modeling system, to establish relationships between them, to ensure consistency and to increase the reliability of management decisions.

Author Biography

Olga Katerna, National Aviation University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises


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