The relevance of social network tools using in educational process




educational process, IT-technologies, social networks, students and professors, information and communication technologies, remote-interactive learning


The article considers the characteristic properties of social networks. The existing of social networks and their possibilities (main advantages and problems) in terms of using in the educational process are analyzed. The purpose of article is to investigate the teachers and students possibility and readiness to using of social networks in educational process to ensure more effective collaboration in the interactive mode. The possibilities and readiness of students and teachers of Odessa National Economic University (ONEU) to use social networks in the educational process are analyzed. The SWOT-analysis on social networks attraction in the ONEU educational process is given. The advantages and limitations of IT-technologies in the educational process for students and teacher are considered. The tools of social networks application and examples of their using in educational process are offered. An important factor, which encumbering of social networking tools implementation in educational process are the unavailability of this process to attract modern teaching aids, because in the study, the authors concluded that there is a lack of scientifically grounded guidelines, time-consuming norms and teacher’s remuneration. These problems can be solved by conditions creating for advanced of teachers training in the information and communication technologies sphere, namely: the material and moral teachers incentives, who are actively using a new technologies and developing of effective methods for social networks applying in the university educational space. Social networks are not main means of learning, but their opportunities to educational problems solving is underestimated by the professional community today.

Author Biographies

Tatiana Zbritska, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department

Anastasiia Tabanova, Odessa National Economic University

Lecturer of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics