Human potential: demographic factors of its formation in modern conditions




demographic situation, human potential, population migration, gender and age structure of the population, fertility, mortality, socio-demographic factors, aging population


The article considers the demographic factors of the human potential formation, and also the demographic problems in Ukraine, such as low life expectancy, high mortality of the population, which impede of the human potential formation and development. It is noted that the country’s human potential development directly affects on its socio-economic status, acts as a factor of socio-economic system effective functioning, and as a result of conditions creation for the development of individuals human potential. The basis of human potential is the demographic potential, which is determined by quantitative indicators of population and their dynamics. In recent years, population dynamics has been characterized by a steady tendency for its decline due to the excess of deaths number over the births number. The dynamics of main demographic indicators of the population of Ukraine, and also the deceased distribution by age and gender groups are investigated. The population age structure deformation, which leads to its aging and to increase the demo economic burden of the able-bodied population, is determined. The nature, causes and motives of country’s population migration, which negatively affects of human potential functioning and development, are analyzed. It was proposed: to stimulate an increase in the birth rate; to develop a family policy aimed at raising children; to focus the demographic policy of the state on the protection of public health; to reduce the employment rate of women with the aim of reorienting part of them towards family service; to conduct the demographic examinations of modern economic transformations; to create a proper migration management system in the country.

Author Biography

Liudmyla Ivanova, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics