Research of analytical indicators in the work practice of personnel departments
HR-practice, HR-analytics, HR-metrics, HR-processes, performance, efficiency, staff costs, staff turnoverAbstract
The article substantiates an implementation into HR-practice of modern efficiency indicators of human resources departments work, and analyzes how they affect at enterprise performance as a whole. The HR-analytics place and role in personnel management at the modern enterprise are reconsidered and clarified. The article summarizes the studies of HR-indicators using, clarifies how they allow to monitor and evaluate of the personnel departments productivity at different levels and, ultimately, to predict and evaluate of their work results. This modern tool in the work of HR-departments is already used in leading international companies and gives a very positive results, but he is very little used in Ukrainian business practice. The main HR-indicators are systematizes and describes and their active implementation in practice is justified, which will allow an executive oversight of HR-processes and improve their efficiency and manageability. The regular reporting on HR-metrics implementation is an effective tool for any HR-department managing, given that the selected metrics should be closely connected with the industry, business and strategy of a particular enterprise. The article also analyzes the HR-metrics implementation difficulties in modern national enterprises practice. In general, the functions variety and the human resources departments tasks, the lack of primary data accumulation practices, which adapted to the enterprise’s industry sector direction, it very difficult the metric analysis of HR-activities effectiveness. That is why there is a need to describe and systematize the HR-activity indicators in order to facilitate their integration into the modern HR-department work.
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